Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review

Last Coordination on the Threshold of Enforcement of Purposeful Subsidies
Dollar Price Down, Purchase Lines Still On
The Fate of Azad University Determined by the Leader’s Decree: Endowment of Azad University non-legal, non-jurisprudential
Speaker of the Judiciary [Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ezhe’i] Announces: Verdicts issued for 64 accused of post-election Fetneh
Minister of Oil [Mir-Mas’oud Kazemi]: Two new gasoline refineries in operation by the end of the [Persian] year [March 2011]
Jomhouri-ye Eslami
Supreme Leader of the Revolution: Endowment of Azad University not legal and jurisprudential
According to the Latest Estimates: Iran’s oil reserves number 150 billion barrels
Minister of Oil Announces: EU’s backstage message to bypass Iran sanctions
Lebanon Prepares to Welcome Ahmadinejad
In Response to Kayhan Correspondent’s Question; Ezhe’i: Verdicts for dissolution of [reformist parties] Mosharekat and Sazman-e Mojahedin final
Supreme Leader of the Revolution: Azad University endowment non-legal, non-jurisprudential
[Ali] Larijani: The problem with Iran’s nuclear case self-creates delusion of the West
Ahmadinejad in Meeting with Governors: People’s cooperation the most important factor for success of Purposeful Subsidies
Announced in Mohseni Ezhe’i’s Press Conference: Maximum of 19 years of imprisonment for [post-] election convicts
Reformists Convene
Ali Larijani: Disagreement between powers not irresolvable
Tehran-e Emrooz
Ripples from Revoking the Endowment of Azad University
Countdown for Crediting [Liquid] Subsidies
[Tehran] City Council’s Tough Response to Tehran’s Governor [on Price of Bus Rapid Transit Ticket Price]
Vatan-e Emrooz
MPs Warned of Fetneh’s Plots to Undermine the [Enforcement]of Purposeful Subsidies: Obstruction headquarters in [foreign] embassies
Noam Chomsky: EU’s treatment of Turkey racist
Speaker of the Judiciary Announces in His Second Press Conference: Dissolution of Mosharekat and Mojahedin irreversible
* Note: Vatan-e Emrooz does not publish on Thursdays due to financial problems.
Hamshahri (Citizen) is the official daily newspaper of Tehran’s Municipality. Its general directions in politics, culture and economy are determined by the mayor of Tehran, currently Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Iran is the official organ of the administration.
Jomhouri-ye Eslami (The Islamic Republic) was known as the official organ of the Party of the Islamic Republic, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1987. Currently, it is an open critique of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s policies and is known to be a mouthpiece of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Kayhan (Universe) is a hard-line conservative newspaper. Its editor-in-chief –currently Hossein Shari’atmadari- is appointed by Iran’s Supreme Leader. Shari’atmadari’s editorials often spark off controversy and debate inside Iranian political circles.
Khabar (News) is a principlist daily newspaper which adopts a critical stance towards Ahmadinejad’s policies.
Resalat (Mission) belongs to the moderate wing of the principlist camp. Resalat’s best known analyst is Amir Mohebbian, its political editor.
Shargh (East) is a moderate reformist newspaper. It was the most popular and influential reformist newspaper in its first period of publication which lasted from August 2003 until September 2006.
Tehran-e Emrooz (Tehran Today) is a ‘principlist reformist’ newspaper, connected to Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Vatan-e Emrooz (Motherland Today) -which started its publication in November 2008-, belongs to Mehrdad Bazrpash, the thirty-old pro-Ahmadinejad politician who is also head of Iran’s second largest auto manufacturer company, Saipa. Vatan-e Emrooz is a supporter of the president’s policies.
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