Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review

Construction Ban on Less than 50 Square Meters Real Estate
MPs Criticize Non-Allocation of Metro’s Approved Credit: Fuel subsidy can’t be removed without budgeting public transportation
Latest News on Changes in Fuel Price
Supreme Leader of the Revolution at Enthusiastic Gathering of Thousands of Qom’s Basidj Members: The Line of Emam (1) and serving the people is much more significant in this government
On the Death of the Blind Teacher [in a metro station]: MPs found Metro CEO [Mohsen Hashemi-Rafsanjani] the culprit
Minister of Culture at the Inauguration Ceremony of the New Head of Islamic Culture and Communication Organization: Cultural diplomacy will bear fruits with jihadi and basidji spirit
Jomhouri-ye Eslami
His Excellency Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution at the Enthusiastic Gathering of Thousands of Qom Province Basidj Members: Avoiding extremism is a necessity for Basidj’s activities
Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani in Meeting with a Group University Students and Graduates: Moving on the path of the Constitution is the best way to govern the country
Bahraini Shi’a’s Share 18 Seats from 40 Parliamentary Seats
Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces [Ayatollah Khamenei] at the Enthusiastic Gathering of Qom’s Basidj Members: The benchmark to distinguish the ‘right’ is Islam, not individuals and figures
Despite Threats and Impediments: All 18 Shi’a candidates enter Bahrain’s parliament
With Enforcement of the Purposeful Subsidies: Farmers will receive cheap fuel
Supreme Leader of the Revolution: Individuals are not the benchmarks of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’
In Khabar’s Interview with MPs: Citizens’ concern about Purposeful Subsidies
Electricity Bills Increase Less than 4 Thousand Tomans [approx. 4 USD, after removal of subsidies]
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Meeting with Qom’s Basidj Members: Basidj stayed on the Path of Right during the 88 Fetneh [2009 post-election unrest]
[Senior Principlist Politician, Habib-ol-Lah] Asgarowladi in an Interview with ISNA [Iranian Students News Agency]: The art of politicians is to wield the [1979 Islamic] Revolution’s ‘soft power’ against the US
Head of the Judiciary [Sadegh Larijani]: Purposeful Subsidies’ Impact on vulnerable groups should be taken into consideration
Secretary of the Supreme Council of Expatriate Iranians Announces: [Head of the Council, Esfandiar Rahim] Masha’i’s guests [in future conventions of the Council] will increase
[Minister of Health, Marzieh] Vahid-Dastjerdi: Drugs price to increase with removal of subsidies
Tehran-e Emrooz
[Ayatollah Khamenei:] Individuals not the benchmarks to distinguish ‘the Right’
A Majles member announces: Likely dismissal of [Minister of Welfare] Sadegh Mahsouli
We Should Be Worried over Anti-Clericalism; Interview with Hojjat-ol-Eslam Navvab
Vatan-e Emrooz
Supreme Leader of the Revolution in Enthusiastic Meeting with Qom Province Basidj Members Points to the President’s Visit [to Lebanon]: The Lebanon legend would not have happened if the government wasn’t backed by millions of youth
[Head of the Transportation and Fuel Control Headquarters, Mohammad] Rouyaniyan: Politicization, cause of Tehran’s metro’s deficiency
Months of Arrest by the Government of Manama Futile: Shi’a’s win Bahrain’s elections
* Note: Vatan-e Emrooz does not publish on Thursdays due to financial problems.
(1) Line of Emam is a term used to describe the teachings of Iran’s late leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, and the followers of these teachings. The term was for long used by the leftist camp –which later metamorphosed into the Reform Movement- of the Islamic Republic, though after last year’s post-election unrest, the anti-Green media have tried hard to disenfranchise them from using the term.
Trouble with understanding some terms? Check our Glossary of Iranian Political Terms.
Hamshahri (Citizen) is the official daily newspaper of Tehran’s Municipality. Its general directions in politics, culture and economy are determined by the mayor of Tehran, currently Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Iran is the official organ of the administration.
Jomhouri-ye Eslami (The Islamic Republic) was known as the official organ of the Party of the Islamic Republic, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1987. Currently, it is an open critique of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s policies and is known to be a mouthpiece of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Kayhan (Universe) is a hard-line conservative newspaper. Its editor-in-chief –currently Hossein Shari’atmadari- is appointed by Iran’s Supreme Leader. Shari’atmadari’s editorials often spark off controversy and debate inside Iranian political circles.
Khabar (News) is a principlist daily newspaper which adopts a critical stance towards Ahmadinejad’s policies.
Resalat (Mission) belongs to the moderate wing of the principlist camp. Resalat’s best known analyst is Amir Mohebbian, its political editor.
Shargh (East) is a moderate reformist newspaper. It was the most popular and influential reformist newspaper in its first period of publication which lasted from August 2003 until September 2006.
Tehran-e Emrooz (Tehran Today) is a ‘principlist reformist’ newspaper, connected to Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Vatan-e Emrooz (Motherland Today) -which started its publication in November 2008-, belongs to Mehrdad Bazrpash, the thirty-old pro-Ahmadinejad politician who is also head of Iran’s second largest auto manufacturer company, Saipa. Vatan-e Emrooz is a supporter of the president’s policies.