Masoud Pezeshkian; A Beacon of Hope for Iran's Alpha Generation

24 July 2024 | 13:14 Code : 2027310 General category
By Mohammad Mehdi Seyed Nasseri, Researcher in Children's Rights
Masoud Pezeshkian; A Beacon of Hope for Iran's Alpha Generation

Iran's newly elected president, Masoud Pezeshkian, should prioritize the rights and welfare of children in the country. During his election campaign, Pezeshkian was one of the few candidates who spoke extensively about supporting children's rights, particularly highlighting the plight of children suffering from Epidermolysis bullosa and the difficulties they face in accessing necessary medications due to sanctions.

Now that Pezeshkian has been elected as the country's president, there are high expectations for him to uphold the rule of law and protect the rights of Iranian children. In recent years, children's rights have been increasingly violated in various ways, and the new president faces a challenging path ahead.

However, Pezeshkian's extensive experience and familiarity with the issues facing children in Iran suggest that he is well-equipped to navigate this path. As the main guardian and enforcer of children's rights, the government plays a crucial role in promoting their education, rights, and comprehensive support.

One of the most pressing concerns is the social harm and vulnerabilities that children face in society, which can put them at risk even if they do not suffer from specific complications. These social harms are multidimensional, and various factors contribute to their creation, including legal vacuums and the implementation of existing laws.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a valid document that the Iranian government should fully implement as law to realize the best interests of children. However, the country still falls short of meeting the provisions of this convention.

Experts emphasize the importance of supporting and realizing the rights of children in the Alpha generation, as the future of Iran's children is crucial. The president's role and decisions significantly impact the future of the country's children.

Key decisions that the new president can make to support children's rights include:

  1. Helping implement the third and fifteenth articles of the Constitution, the Law on the Protection of Children and Adolescents, and the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.

  1. Allocating a budget line for improving the quality of life for children in difficult situations, including working children.

  1. Focusing on the education system to create equal opportunities and quality education.

  1. Addressing the living conditions of immigrant and refugee children.

  1. Solving the issue of internet filtering, as three out of four Iranian children currently have access to VPNs, which can have disastrous consequences on their lives.

Children are the greatest assets of Iranian society, and investing in their rights and education is crucial for building a more humane, stable, and better future. As a symbol of hope in Iranian society, President-elect Masoud Pezeshkian is urged to prioritize children's rights and welfare in line with Article 4 of the Charter of Citizen Rights

tags: Masoud Pezeshkian Iran presidential election

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