The path forward is destined for victory

As the Iranian calendar year ‘1400’ closes, the future of the world is as uncertain as ever. The war that broke out between Russia and Ukraine seems set to, at the very least, radically transform the balance of power across the globe, breaking old alliances and forging new ones. At the time of this writing, a new variant of the coronavirus, conveniently dubbed Deltacron, is about to ravage the world anew, threatening many communities with new rounds of quarantines, closing down businesses, and social distancing which has made us feel lonelier than ever.
The Vienna talks aimed at reviving the internationally recognized nuclear deal in 2015, aka the JCPOA, which almost collapsed after former US president Donald Trump’ unilateral withdrawal from it, is now awaiting difficult political decisions that incumbent US President Joseph Biden has a difficult time to make due to lack of political capital, institutional ambivalence, or both.
These are but a few of the immediate uncertainties we have to deal with for a long time to come, the prospect of which is disheartening enough even if we exclude the looming specter of other threats to the very fabric of human societies, such as the ever widening gap between the poor and the rich on a global scale, or our collective fate as a species, such as global warming.
As ambivalent as our time seems to be, however, there are constants in life, too: Organizing principles which rule over its apparent randomness. The most evident one to the naked eye is perhaps the natural cycle of seasons: “The Almighty gives life to the earth after its death,” says the Quran, 30:50, assuring believers that not only glimmers of hope are to be seen in the renewal of life on the earth as spring approaches us, but also He, in his Omnipotence, decides the fate of all that there is. No matter how difficult life gets, no matter how unlikely the odds may seem, no matter how insurmountable the barrier may look like, surely with hardship comes ease.” Quran 94:5.
There are organizing principles of a higher cosmic order at work as well. “It is our will for the oppressed and dispossessed to make them heirs [to the earth],” says the Quran, 28:5, reassuring believers that the eternal fight against evil is destined for ultimate victory against the tyrants who, in their combination of arrogance and ignorance, find themselves invincible while their houses, White or otherwise, is essentially like a spider’s web, which is the flimsiest of all shelters.” Quran 29:41.
Source: Iran Daily