Iran: Political influence, lobbying should not affect IAEA decisions

Political influence and lobbying should not affect IAEA’s decisions, and Iran and the agency should follow issues in a completely professional way and address the within the framework of expertise,” Eslami told a joint news conference with Grossi. "There is no room for any political action."
“We hope that cooperation [with the IAEA] will take place in a completely nonpolitical and professional process,” he added, according to IRNA.
The nuclear chief said Iran had agreed a roadmap with the IAEA to resolve all outstanding questions about the country's nuclear program by late June.
"We have agreed to provide the IAEA by the end of [the Iranian month of] Khordad (June 21) with documents related to outstanding questions between Tehran and the agency," Eslami said.
Eslami added that the two sides had come to the "conclusion that some documents which need to be exchanged between the IAEA and the AEOI should be exchanged" by May 22.
Grossi said the IAEA and Iran have agreed to adopt a "practical and pragmatic approach" to resolve outstanding issues.
He said the UN agency and Iran "did have a number of important matters that we needed... to resolve", but that they had now "decided to try a practical, pragmatic approach" to overcome them.
Iran demands the closure of an IAEA investigation into the alleged presence of nuclear material at three old sites where the agency claims has found particles of processed uranium.
Iran says the closure of the probe is necessary in order to clinch a deal to revive the 2015 nuclear accord with world powers.
Grossi, who also held talks with Iran's foreign minister before returning to Vienna on Saturday, said the two issues were "closely interrelated".
"While these processes in a way are parallel... one cannot ignore the other," the IAEA director general told the televised news conference.
"So this is why it's important to have this understanding between us today, which is an understanding to work together, to work very intensively," he added.
"Without resolving these issues, efforts to revive the JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) may not be possible."
Grossi said he was committed to advancing the IAEA's cooperation with Iran and helping the Iranian people move toward prosperity.
Source:Iran Daily