Bright Future for Iran-South Africa Cooperation

1-The visit made by Jacob Zuma to Tehran was the first visit by a South African President to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Of course, Nelson Mandela, the late leader of this country, made such a visit before and after he became president. The relations between Iran and South Africa date back to the years before the Islamic Revolution, when the Pahlavi regime, along with western countries, had a very close relationship with the apartheid regime of South Africa and provided the oil necessary for this country. Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and according to Imam Khomeini’s order, relations with the apartheid regime were cut and Iran’s export of oil stopped aimed at exerting pressure on the government of South Africa and helping the struggles of its people against apartheid. In 1994, when the people of this country succeeded in removing the apartheid regime and Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa, diplomatic relations between Iran and South Africa were reestablished.
2-South Africa, with its population of 54 million, is one of the most important countries of the African continent from political and economic points of view. It is a member of BRICS and the group of 20 industrial countries and is considered one of the new emerging economies of the world. While holding economic substructures, numerous mineral resources, various industrial products and a proper geographical situation have transformed this country into an entrance. Besides, free market economy and interaction with developing countries have placed this country among the most stable economies of the African continent and among developing countries. The geographical situation of South Africa, located in the farthest point of the continent of Africa and the crossing point of the two Atlantic and Indian Oceans, which is one of the most important paths of international navigations, have added to the economic and trade significance of this country. Similarity of geographical situation and capacities and power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the western region of Asia with South Africa in the south of Africa have prepared the ground and opportunity for mutual accessibility of both countries to regional markets in the Middle East, Central Asia and south of Africa.
3- South Africa plays a determining role in the establishment of peace and stability in Africa. Regarding regional issues, this country acts as a country which safeguards peace. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a regional power, also attempts to strengthen the sustainable peace, stability and security of the region and the world. Both countries’ approach regarding important international issues including the fight against terrorism and sectarianism, supporting the oppressed people of Palestine and opposing foreign interventions in other countries such as Syria is close to each other. Both Iran and South Africa support political resolutions for regional crises.
4- Following Mr. Zarif’s visit to Pretoria and holding two phases of the High Commission led by the two foreign ministers, relations between Tehran and Pretoria have dramatically improved. Twelve rounds of meetings of the Common High Commission and several rounds of the Committee of Common Cooperation between the two countries have prepared many grounds for the development of economic, political and cultural relations.
5- Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran until the imposition of economic sanctions against Iran, economic and trade relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and South Africa enjoyed a special status to the extent that our country was one of the ten trade partners of that country and provider of 25% of the needs of South Africa’s refineries in crude oil. When, in the summer of 2012, the western countries and the US imposed sanctions against Iran, South Africa stopped its oil purchase from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Since in South Africa, the government does not own refineries, the government of South Africa was not able to use the exemptions which were adopted by the US administration for the purchase of crude oil and refinery companies including TOTAL, SHELL, PETRONAS and BP did not use these exemptions either.
6- During the last decade, the relations between the two countries have gone beyond oil to the point where the activities of the two big communications companies of MTN and SASOL are successful examples of cooperation and investment of two countries which can be extended to other areas.
7- Now, there are different grounds for expansion of cooperation between Iran and South Africa in both private and public sectors. Simultaneously with Mr. Jacob Zuma’s visit to Iran, the grand trade convention of two countries is held.
8- During the past few years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken steps to strengthen the private sector and the decree of the Supreme Leader based on the implementation of Article 44 of the Constitution and resistance economy needs preparation for the expansion of their presence in global markets. Meanwhile, the completely private nature of South Africa’s economy is considered as a good opportunity for the presence of Iran’s private sector in the economy of South Africa and helps cooperation in banking, transport and research and development and creates new job opportunities. This measure needs the serious attention of government officials to allocate considerable share for Iranian companies in the competitive market of South Africa and other countries of southern Africa.
9- The continent of Africa, in general, and South Africa, in particular, has had numerous attractions for the countries with newly-emerging economies. Thus, during the last decade, these markets have become the area of competition for foreign countries. Today, the Chinese, Indians and Turks are transforming into major economic and trade players in South Africa and this issue reminds us of the necessity of objective, effective and visionary planning for the presence of the private sector of our country in South Africa’s market and countries of the southern region and South Africa’s investment in Iran.
10- In the 11th administration, based on the proposal of the Foreign Minister and the President’s agreement, the High Headquarter of Africa led by the First Vice-President was revived in order to accelerate the interaction with the continent of Africa.