Iran Nuclear Dossier: Russian Tool for Retaliation?

-Considering the intensification of the rift in relations between Russia and the West over the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea, it seems that both parties are attempting to use all of their tools to put pressure on the other side.
-Following the separation of Crimea from Ukraine and its annexation to Russia, the issue of sanctions was among the tools which were used by the western countries against Russia. It is natural that the Russians will not remain silent with regard to this issue and will retaliate and use every means against the West.
-It is too early to judge whether the tools which were used by both sides will be effective or not for neither are the western countries free to impose sanctions against Russia nor do the Russians have a great enough power of maneuver to exert pressure on the West at the international level.
-Since long ago, despite the differences between Russia and the West over different issues, both parties have generally held common views with regard to Iran’s nuclear issue.
-Nonetheless, with new differences between Russia and the western countries and the growing rift in relations between the two sides over the crisis in Ukraine, there is the possibility that the Russians will review their policies with regard to Iran’s nuclear dossier but this review will neither be general nor big enough to reduce, to a great extent, the pressures on Iran within the framework of the nuclear issue.
-Following the adoption of resolutions and the imposition of international sanctions within the framework of the UN Security Council, the path has been opened for the West to exert pressure on Iran.
-Signs indicate that the West does not need, at the present time, to impose new sanctions within the framework of the UN Security Council, thus, Russia’s cooperation would not be needed.
-It does not seem that the Russians would take measures towards disrupting the negotiations and change its trend to the disadvantage of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for any delay in holding the nuclear negotiations which are moving towards a comprehensive agreement will be to Iran’s disadvantage.
-The Russians will not leave the nuclear negotiations in order to disrupt them for this measure would lead to further isolation for Russia in the international scene.
-In general, Russia’s role in expressing more support for the Islamic Republic of Iran in the nuclear issue is not an issue which would concern the western countries and the West basically does not consider such measures to be effective.