An Opportunity to Showcase Iran’s New Diplomacy

What is the status of the Munich Conference in international equations and what have been the most important issues discussed in this round of meetings? What opportunities are provided for Iran on the sidelines of the main meetings?
The Munich Conference was known in the past as a defense meeting and was renamed during the past decades as the Munich Security Conference. Its budget is provided by the Defense Ministry and has close participation with NATO. Along with the Davos meeting which covers economic issues, this meeting gathers the elites in this area to study and discuss important global issues. In the 2014 meeting, about 300 personalities are taking part from all over the world including Ban Ki-Moon, Amano, Lavrov, Catherine Ashton, Henry Kissinger, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Susan Rice and Fogh Rasmussen and of course Steinmeier who is the host of this meeting. This meeting which is held in the Bayerischer Hof Hotel can build the substructure of an explicit agreement between the elites of the world to resolve the main issues. In last year’s meeting, cases were studied which still continue and this year new cases have been added to them. Last year, issues such as Europe’s economic crisis, cyber attacks, the Afghan situation, Egypt, terrorism, military conflicts in Africa and also Iran’s nuclear issue were on the agenda. During this time, new developments have occurred in the world including the problems in Ukraine, the issue of Edward Snowden, and the US espionage fiasco and Europe’s decision to enter a new domain which follows a security system independent from the US. There is a difference between this meeting and the previous one and that is the slow removal of Iran’s nuclear issue from the main issues after the Geneva Agreement. From the viewpoints of the organizers of this meeting, studying the issues of climate change, energy, the Ukraine crisis and internet espionage are very significant issues. Also, considering the measures taken by the US, the issue of reconciliation in the Middle East has also been paid attention to.
Considering the presence of the Iranian officials including Mr. Zarif, the Foreign Minister, and Mr. Zanganeh, the Oil Minister, and some officials from the President’s office, it can be predicted that besides the main meeting, stronger bilateral negotiations would be held between Iran and Germany. Recently, an article was written in Spiegel which pointed out Germany’s foreign policy stating that Germany is behind its European allies in interacting with Iran. This article pointed out the activities of the Latin part of Europe, i.e. Italy, which attempts to advance its relations to a desired point and had asked the German officials to pursue a new role in its relations with Iran. Thus, it seems that the Iranian and German delegations in Berlin follow new negotiations and there is this possibility that simultaneously with this meeting, an expert economic round table would be held between Iran and Germany. This could be a good introduction to facilitate the invitation of Iran’s president by the German officials. In general, it seems that Iran and Germany’s roles will increase in this new stage. Considering Germany’s assessment of US foreign policy and its reduced role in certain geopolitical regions, this country attempts to play its role as a mediatory power in global security. Furthermore, since the Islamic Republic of Iran plays a constructive role in the regional and important issues, the dialogues between Iran and Germany will be more significant.
Since Iran was not present in the Geneva-2 conference, could this meeting be an opportunity for Iran to propose its diplomacy with regard to the issue of Syria and regional security?
Since the western countries made a mistake in the Geneva-2 conference by not inviting Iran, now this meeting could be an opportunity for them to become familiar with the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran with regard to the hot issues of the region. There is also this possibility that the western countries would review their zigzag behaviors which had previously been seen and reform their past policies. As you know, both parties have agreed to hold the next round of nuclear negotiations in Vienna and considering the possible visit by Mrs. Ashton to Tehran, this issue will be pursued within its own framework. With regard to Iran’s nuclear issue and its role in the Munich Conference, it must be said that considering the slow slope which has been created, this dossier will move forward towards new gates, hence, the Munich meeting is very special in this regard. An exclusive panel has been given to the Iranian delegation where they can express their opinions. The Islamic Republic of Iran comprehends this measure taken by Germany well.
The main concern of the political observers was whether the representatives of the participating countries could find a solution for regional and extra-regional crises in this meeting or not. How hopeful will the results of this meeting be?
The Munich Conference is a very special meeting which discusses the core security problems. The consultations that happen on the sidelines of this meeting help different parties to find new evaluations of the conditions. This meeting does not have the responsibility to find immediate solutions to the problems, but it can help to create grounds and opportunities for new interactions.
In the previous meeting which was held in 2013, issues such as the crisis in Syria, military conflicts in Africa, terrorism, cyber attacks, the Euro economic crisis, the situation in Afghanistan and Egypt, Iran’s nuclear issue, … were discussed. Participants hoped that this meeting would help the resolution of some cases such as in Egypt and Syria. How hopeful can one be for the implementation of the statements which are made in such meetings?
Officials must attempt to first contain the situations and then enter into more serious agreements. Experience has shown that sometimes when the international community intends to find an immediate solution, situations become more severe. Taking into consideration basic issues to resolve security issues is always very significant. That is why today the value of such meetings is in discovering new common points. The Munich Conference also pursues the same objective. Otherwise, if this meeting is to be judged realistically, then it cannot be said that all parties would be able to reach common points in different issues. This meeting could help in the emergence of new grounds and opportunities.
In the Davos meeting, Iran’s main focus was economic issues so that it could change the economic policies of other countries to invest in Iran. Could Iran use this meeting to change the security view of the world towards Iran?
Mr. Rohani’s speech was concentrated on the energy aspect of the economic and security issues and also the issue of new interactions where the Islamic Republic of Iran could play serious roles. The issue of cooperation between Iran and Europe in the area of energy particularly in industry is of great importance. One of the serious issues which is pursued in the Munich Conference is the issue of energy. As you know today the ranks of many of the Asian countries in the consumption of energy is changing. Based on the published reports, India was able to change the status of Japan in the consumption of energy and become the third consumer. That is why the issue of the security of the energy, Euro-Asia interactions, Iran’s status and new technologies in energy help the issues to be analyzed with a broader persepective. Geopolitically, Iran enjoys a special status in the area of energy resources and expert forces. Iran’s potential is undeniable for the international community in this regard.
Considering the changes that are occurring in energy and military equations, could this conference provide Iran with an opportunity to form an alliance with some other countries in the energy and military sectors?
In the Rohani administration, the policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the issue of energy look for open doors in order to be able to form cooperations in this framework. In this field, and based on the periodic and gradual definitions that it follows, the US administration sometimes plays a preventive role and sometimes asks Europe, with cautious language, to advance its policy toward Iran at a slower rate. But everyone knows that the existing potential and infrastructures between Iran and the European countries in the area of industry and the cooperation that has taken place in the past century can practically be recycled very quickly. The US senses well that relations between Iran and Europe can easily be changed and can reach a desirable point. This is why it tries to control its Western partners. From this perspective, the US has to learn from Europe how to manage its diplomacy with Iran and it must learn that it is better to view Iran from the perspective of its national interests, not from the perspective of certain lobbies.