Isolation of Radical Movement

Since the time when the new administration in Iran has begun to run the country, more than five rounds of official negotiations have been held in New York and Geneva. In all of these negotiations, Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has been able to create huge and astonishing developments in the international diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with his great insight. Before, there was no negotiation and bargaining in the nuclear issue, for the chief nuclear negotiator only stated the positions of the country as an envoy while preaching. Now Javad Zarif, the brave Foreign Minister of Iran, sat at the negotiating table with the 6 countries with a completely nationalistic view, hence, he changed the terminology of negotiation and also linked its methodology with an Iranian view.
In the past, we saw that a text was agreed upon and then negotiated upon with different opinions. But in Zarif’s Iranian diplomacy, the text was not negotiated upon; rather there were expert negotiations through accepting issues which the two sides agreed upon. This point adds to the importance and authenticity of Iranian diplomacy.
Some may ask why the Iranian delegation takes slow steps in this process. The answer is that in order to achieve maximum interests, one has to avoid making hasty moves.
Now, numerous national capabilities have shown themselves through the support of the Supreme Leader and the people in the best possible way. I believe that what happened in the Geneva talks was the beginning of a difficult path so that, in the end, the intertwined chains of oppression and struggle against the great people of Iran will be torn apart one after another and, instead of imposing sanctions and making threats, there will be talks of peace, friendship and brotherhood with a world which has made the path of Iranian wisdom a difficult path.
Today, war has presented itself in another form. Today’s war reveals itself in the form of economic, social, political, international, security, and ultimately military threats.
The system of hegemony does not only use war and violence to contain the success of independent and freedom-seeking people, but it also targets the legitimacy and popularity of countries by destroying their economies, stopping the development process, and creating inflation and unemployment to overthrow governments.
Their intention is to make alliances with other countries and governments through their diplomacy to achieve their sinister objective. It is interesting to note that through all these past years, they have made great efforts to disrupt Iran’s diplomatic system. In the Persian Gulf region, they warned allied countries against Iran’s threat and it is utterly regretful that Saudi Arabia has now been turned into an ally of Israel and the US against Iran from being our regional ally. They have used all of the Salafi and al-Qaeda forces to contain Iran. Some of the united positions which are now heard from the leaders of Saudi Arabia and Israel show the depth of the catastrophe. Saddam’s allies during the eight years of war against Iran did not learn that lesson and have now become allies of Israel. During the past week, Waleed bin Talal, Bandar bin Sultan and Saud al-Faisal have made harsher statements against Iran compared to the radical leaders of Israel. They are concerned about the establishment of normal relations between Iran and the world.
The success of the Geneva talks indicates that the global radical movement, including the American war-seeking radicals, Israeli violence-seekers and the coward Saudis, along with al-Qaeda and Salafi forces, has felt threatened. Although there is a long and difficult path until the achievement of the Geneva agreement, it should be considered as the first step in normalizing Iran’s dossier and its return from the Security Council to the IAEA and a strategic agreement which should not fail.
The great nation of Iran, under the guidance of the Supreme Leader and the efforts made by all the officials especially the President and the respected and brave Foreign Minister, has taken big steps. Experience has shown that the bargaining power of nationalistic personalities who are moderate and balanced is very important in reaching a balanced behavior with the world and national power.
The people of Iran deserve to live in a modern and desirable world where they can safeguard their religious and national values and at the same time enjoy modern technology.
Changing the approach of other countries which are involved in Iran’s nuclear issue can create trust and an objective guarantee. Iran’s red line was drawn for them, meaning that Iran does not intend to ignore its rights, does not seek nuclear weapons and enrichment is the right of the Iranian people.
Now the West has a golden opportunity to resolve its misunderstandings with Iran and the Geneva agreement can be considered as an introduction for the resolution of all issues so that threats and sanctions would be stopped and Iran and all countries of the world would be able to prevent future disastrous outcomes with a peaceful international logic.