US Openly Forcing Iran to Build Atomic Bomb

· In contemporary history, Iran-US relations should be defined under the US-led coup d’état and the Iranian Revolution. I participated in the huge demonstrations of July 20th, 1951 and witnessed the British-American coup d’état in 1958. These political developments had attracted the mental and emotional mindset of my childhood and teenage years and installed the sense of freedom and independence in me. On February 11th, 1978, the people of Iran responded to that coup and shook the political power of the US in the Middle East. Therefore, talking with the US would be impossible without considering this history. My government will never negotiate with the US from a weak position but will interact practically.
· My government will interact and this interaction will be pursued with total transparency and from an honorable position. My interaction with the US administration will be in front of the eyes of the people of Iran. The Iranian people will never allow any government to negotiate behind closed doors and away from the people’s eyes.
· Today the US is confronting us in Syria. The Americans are faced with problems regarding their military operations outside their borders and cannot convince their people to enter another war. Therefore, they expect Turkey to increase its pressures on Syria and launch a war as their representative in this country. We must prevent the disintegration of Syria, otherwise the region will be faced with endless tribal and ethnic wars.
· Mismanagement, imprudent decisions, and also sanctions have all caused our recent economic problems. That is why a strong and expert government which enjoys the necessary power to face the internal and external challenges must come to power. My government will fight against inflation with all its power and remove the hands of the government from the pockets of the poor. I will remove the existing social rifts between different groups. When the US and the West are faced with a united and strong nation, they will no longer pursue their arrogant policies and will accept constructive interaction.
· The big satire of today’s history is that, by repeating its claim that Iran intends to build an atomic bomb, the US is openly forcing Iran to build an atomic bomb. With its behavior, the US tells the people of Iran that if you want to get rid of us, you must build an atomic bomb. But we will never fall in this trap.
· Since 250 years ago, Iran has not entered into war with any country, but it will not allow any country to be greedy about Iran and will certainly not be dominated by any power. With regard to Russia, although parts of Iran were separated with force before, Iran has now gained its independence and has interactions with its neighbors without relying on any foreign power.
· Foreign policy is the reflection of the domestic conditions and potentials of any country. Any country which has an extensive and strong base will enjoy strong foreign policy; but if it is faced with rifts and weakness in its domestic policy, it will be faced with big challenges outside the country as well. The reason that the Americans have exerted pressure on Iran today is that they consider our domestic differences. I will eliminate internal differences so that the Americans know that they cannot defeat the people of Iran with sanctions.