Maneuver to Display Iran’s Power

Some analysts believe that the drones which have recently been captured by Iran can be both messengers of peace and declarers of war. It means that they are either preparing the ground for direct negotiations or analyzing Iran's defensive power. Is there a relation, in your opinion, between the negotiations and these drones?
What has happened is that a drone entered Iran's airspace. Under these conditions, two situations can occur: the first is that this drone is downed and the second is that this drone will somehow succeed in landing in Iran. Iran has been able to bring this drone down. If an airplane enters the airspace of a country without permission, the invaded country can either force that plane out of its territory by using its jet fighters or force it to land in an airport. But drones are mainly used for taking pictures and espionage. Therefore, the entrance of these drones into Iran's airspace cannot have any relation with the talks between Iran and the US. In international relations, we must pay attention to the principle of separation of affairs. Thus, the issue of negotiation between two countries is decided based on international and regional conditions. Countries decide on the establishment of relations or lack thereof on the basis of their national interests and this decision is based on a comprehensive analysis of the conditions of negotiations. Based on international law, the issue that a drone enters a country's airspace and is downed in that country is accepted.
Iran's Foreign Minister, Mr. Salehi, has stated that Iran will legally pursue this matter. Where can Iran file its complaint?
Usually there are lots of similar cases. Countries can file complaints in the UN Secretariat. The Secretariat distributes this complaint among the UN members. The other method is that the objection is referred to the embassy of the aggressing country or that country's Interests Section. These are two methods which can be used to express objections. They have been used many times before but usually are not reflected inside the country.
Another point is that the Americans object to Iran's water borders which are drawn on a direct baseline. They believe that this baseline has been drawn rather freehandedly. Therefore, this is a point of difference. The same issue existed when a British boat was captured. But in general, this matter happens many times, and usually instead of conflict, the complaint is filed in the UN Secretariat and the objection is simultaneously transmitted through the Interests Section or the ambassador.
Why has Iran, in your opinion, decided to follow this matter legally?
The fact that Iran has been able to safely bring down the drone shows Iran's power. The objective behind announcing this matter is also to show Iran's power. Furthermore, Iran intends to make the other side understand that it is aware of their spying and research measures. But as mentioned before, if we look at the complaints that were filed in the UN Secretariat, we will find that such incidents have happened many times.
Some analyses point to the issue that the Bushehr power plant is in its latest stages of activation, and that is why US espionage activities have intensified in the Persian Gulf shores. Can they gain information through this method?
The activities in the Bushehr power plant are completely controlled. Based on its contract with the Russians, Iran must transfer fuel waste to Russia. What may cause problems is this fuel waste. The IAEA has complete supervision over this plant. Therefore, there should not be much concern about the Bushehr plant. Nevertheless, espionage activities may happen to verify the situation. Thus, the fuel waste of the Bushehr power plant cannot be dangerous from two aspects; the first is that the Russians are committed to return fuel waste to Russia and the second is that the IAEA has total supervision and control over this matter.
The US has not yet confirmed the downing of its drone in Iranian territory. How can one prove that this drone belongs to US?
If another country claims that this drone belongs to it, this issue will be put aside, otherwise, it will soon become clear which country has manufactured this drone.