Tehran’s newspapers on Tuesday 11th of Mehr 1391; October 2nd, 2012

03 October 2012 | 03:42 Code : 1907517 Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review
Tehran’s newspapers on Tuesday 11th of Mehr 1391; October 2nd, 2012


Tuesday, 11th of Mehr - October 2nd, 2012





-Judiciary ready to deal with disrupters of foreign exchange market

-Commander of Syria’s terrorists surrounded by army

-Funeral of 3 martyrs in Saudi Arabia transformed into demonstrations against al-Saud

-Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Major decisions of Foreign Ministry under the guidance of Supreme Leader

-Jerusalem Post: Netanyahu uses threats against Iran for domestic political objectives

-Egyptian diplomat: By maintaining its independence, Iran is a big player in the region

-Erdogan remains the leader of the ruling party in Turkey




-Indifference and silence; only reaction of officials with regard to growing high prices

-Iran’s reaction to joint statement of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and US

-Khaled Mashaal: Erdogan not only Turkey’s leader, but also leader of the Islamic World

-Morsi in Turkey: Egypt reaches calmness only by overthrow of Syrian regime

-Kofi Annan: I had no choice but to resign

-Syria’s Foreign Minister: No barrier for candidacy in Syria’s next presidential elections




-Erdogan: I will remain in power for the next ten years

-Parisians angry about economic austerity measures

-Tehran Summit was good maneuver for security systems

-Romney attacks Obama for his Middle East policies

-Protests in Hague against the anti-Islam film

-Domestic and regional agreement about Syria is forming




-Economic problems, consequences of mismanagement

-Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood demands expulsion of Iran’s ambassador

-News of Tel Aviv- Baku military cooperation against Tehran

-Iranophobia, excuse to sell US arms to Arabs

-Foreign Ministry Spokesman explains Ahmadinejad’s statements

-President’s First Deputy in Turkey later this week




-Foreign Ministry Spokesman: No contact with US officials

-Ahmadinejad: Americans think they are the center of the world

-Chavez’ opponents gather in capital

-15 killed in latest suicide attack in Afghanistan

-Hezbollah: Red lines determined by resistance missiles

tags: ministry against