Tehran Summit is a strong rebuttal of US claims on Iran’s isolation

- This summit is a slap in the face of the US and its allies which are looking after Iran’s isolation.
- Bearing in mind that close to two-thirds of the countries of the world are NAM members, the positions of this movement can strongly affect international politics.
- Taking advantage of the opportunity provided by its presidency over the Movement in the next three years, the Islamic Republic of Iran can, in addition to elucidating its positions, bring about lots of coordination in expressing NAM’s principled positions.
- Convening this Summit at this juncture-- when the US and some European countries, through imposing sanctions, seek Iran’s disability and isolation-- provides an opportunity for Iran to show that it is not isolated.
- In order to reduce the level of participation in the Summit, the US and its allies have openly and explicitly asked participants not to show up in Iran. However, many countries have participated in the meeting and Iran can take this exceptional opportunity to express its positions and give a slap in the face of those countries which have sought Iran's isolation.
- In the course of the next three years, we should take strong steps towards condemning and fighting against terrorism, human rights violations and unilateralism promoted by arrogant powers.
- Impartial nations and governments have concurred with Iran's principal argument on the issue of nuclear energy because we have always stated that we would not relinquish enrichment of uranium for peaceful purposes and we would defend our rights in this regard.
- Iran has always stated that it neither has any diversion in its peaceful nuclear technology, nor is it after military purposes. In this regard, the Supreme Leader as the highest religious and political figure and decision-maker, has stated that the use of weapons of mass destruction is forbidden. Surely, this statement is indicative of Iran's clear path in the field of nuclear energy which can be explained for NAM members in the Summit.
- On the sidelines of the Summit, the Iranian delegation should take the opportunity to express its positions and exchange views with NAM members on different security, economic and political issues.