Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

-Iran’s representative in IAEA: IAEA visit of “Parchin” site is only possible on the basis of the agreed framework
-18 provinces ready to hold run-off parliamentary elections
-Foreign Ministry strongly condemns Qur’an burning in the US
-Head of the Atomic Energy Organization: 940 megawatts of nuclear electricity from Bushehr reactor into electricity distribution network
-Ali Larijani: Following the assassination of the Iranian scientist, Security Council did not even frown at the Zionist Regime
-Ahmadinejad’s new order to the executive branch: Majlis’s annulment of government orders is illegal
-“Kitaro”, Japanese musician and composer: Let’s play “song of peace” on the Silk Road
-Iran’s Audit Organization: Another big bank embezzlement discovered
-Reaction of the Minister of Defense to the stationing of US F22 jets in the UAE: Stationing of these fighter-jets will disrupt the region’s security
-Iran’s representative in IAEA: Stopping enrichment in Iran impossible
-Majlis representatives react to Ahmadinejad’s order
-Foreign Ministry Spokesman: People of Iran do not tolerate the distortion of its history and national identity
-Majlis representatives addressing the government: Remove officials responsible for high prices of goods from office!
-Ahmadinejad: Those who cannot move forward with the people, should at least not reduce the speed of progress
-President’s First Deputy: Our neighboring countries in the Persian Gulf should stop cooperating with the enemies
-Anti-aircraft Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps: Iran’s achievement of capacity to direct enemy missiles towards desired targets
-Iran’s ambassador to Iraq: Iranian delegation’s trip to Baghdad to study the venue and conditions of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1
-Iran’s security message to the Emiratis
-Haddad Adel: Problem of high prices of goods more important than unemployment
-Prospect of win-win talks in Baghdad
-Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Self-restraint against the UAE
-Deputy Minister of Industry, Mining, and Commerce: 10 billion dollar import of basic goods
-Ali Larijani: Some try to ignore laws