Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

08 April 2012 | 03:36 Code : 1899745 Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review
Tehran’s newspapers on Saturday 19th of Farvardin 1391; Apr. 7th, 2012
Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

Saturday, 19TH of Farvardin - Apr. 7th,2012




-Choosing the venue for negotiations, Show of Iran’s power against 5+1

-Letter of the President to Ayatollah Hashemi Shahroodi

In this letter, the President has asked Ayatollah Hashemi Shahroodi, the head of the Office of Interbranch Dispute Resolution, to study the impeachment of the Minister of Labor and resolve the dispute between the government and Majlis regarding this issue.



-Director of International Affairs of the National Oil Company: Japan’s oil imports from Iran have reduced by 28%

-First prize for Farhadi’s Next Film

The official site of the European Union on Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 announced that the EU Commissioner on Education, Culture, Multilingualism, and Youth will give the first Media Prize of the EU to Asghar Farhadi at the 65th Cannes Film Festival on May 20th, 2012.

This is unprecedented because it is the first time that this prize is given to a film which is in the pre-production stage.

-Clemency of prisoners by the Supreme Leader

On the anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic Republic, the Supreme Leader issued the clemency and reduction of sentences of 1002 convicts.



-Majlis Speaker: Without Majlis’ approval, the second phase of subsidies cannot be enforced

-Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran: We have reached the high point in building a nuclear reactor.

Fereydoon Abbasi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, in an interview said that Iran is now one of the few countries capable of producing nuclear fuel, which is a high point in building a nuclear reactor.

-Head of Majlis Special Commission on Article 44: The government is falling behind the goals of development plans

Hamid Reza Fooladgar, in an interview with Khaneye Mellat News Agency, stated: The government must explain to Majlis the reasons behind its lack of achievement of objectives mentioned in the 20 Year Vision Document, since  coming into power seven years ago.

-Head of Majlis Commission on Article 90: Violation of the government in billion liters of gas imports sent to the Judiciary

Gholam Reza Assadollahi, a member of the Commission on Article 90 of the Majlis, in an interview with Khaneye Mellat News Agency, stated: The case of the government’s violation in importing 7 billion and 900,000 liters of gas has been sent to the Judiciary for further investigation.

He said that according to the law, the government was banned from importing gas and has spent money for its purchase, both of which have been in violation of the law.



-Increase of exports, containment of imports

This paper, by accusing economic critics of the government of spreading lies, gives comparative statistics of export and import rates between Ahmadinejad’s government and those of Hashemi and Khatami. It states that the average growth of imports during Ahmadinejad’s tenure has been 5.1% opposed to 25% during Khatami’s government.

-3.1 Billion dollars, the value of Iran’s tourism

Iran’s tourism industry will grow by 1.3% in 2012. This industry has experienced 1.5% growth during the last year and it is predicted that the tourism income of the country in the following year will reach 3.35 billion dollars.



-Details of Impeachment of the Minister of Labor

This coming Wednesday, the impeachment of the Minister of Labor will probably be discussed in the open session of Majlis. This session will last for maximum 5 hours, two hours of which will be allocated to the representatives to explain the reasons for the impeachment, and three hours to the Minister, President and representatives supporting the Minister.

-More police cameras to register citizens’ violations



-Government: The well-offs deleted from the list of people receiving subsidies

-The Friday Prayer Leader: The Supreme Leader is the only one who decides on resumption of relations with the US