Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

05 April 2012 | 07:13 Code : 1899684 Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review
Tehran’s newspapers on Thursday 17th of Farvardin 1391; Apr. 5th, 2012
Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

Thursday, Apr. 5th, 2012-04-05
Headlines of Iran’s Morning Papers


Head of Judiciary suggests: Formation of a Joint Committee of the Three Branches of the Government for Growth of National Production
In a meeting with high officials of the Judiciary, Ayatollah Amoli reiterated that supporting national  production has always been favorable, but at the present time, when all efforts of the enemies are concentrated on exerting economic pressures on Iran, this issue gains more importance.
Iraq Welcomes Iran’s Offer to Host Negotiations with 5+1
Hooshyar Zibari, Iraq’s Foreign Minister, in a statement announced his meeting with high-ranking officials of National Security Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He mentioned Iran’s offer to Iraq to host negotiations with the 5+1 and further stated that he welcomed this offer.


Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani:  Reduction of tensions with other countries is the Introduction to Solve Domestic Problems
Iran’s Foreign Minister: “ After Baghdad, China is an Option to Host the Negotiations with the 5+1


Supreme Leader:  Threats of the Enemy Indicates the Power of the Islamic System
Disorderly Increase of Prices in the Market
Impeachment of the Minister of Labor in mid-April
Director of the Union of Fruit-Sellers: “Imports of fruits caused domestic citrus fruits to rot in the depots”
Fifth Trial Session of the Accused in the Bank Embezzlement Case to be Held on Apr. 8th, 2012


Stop the Inflation
In an editorial, the author writes about the high prices of goods, especially chicken at 100% inflation. He mentions that the inflation rate is much higher than the official 21% and that it is the responsibility of the government to control the prices.  
Air Pollution in Tehran Increases Every Year
Based on the air pollution charts of Tehran, citizens of the capital breathed in unhealthy air for 218 days last year.


Libya’s Revolutionary Council: Imam Mousa Sadr Has Passed Away
The Majlis representative in charge of the committee to investigate the fate of Imam Mousa Sadr said that the Revolutionary Council of Libya has announced that Imam Mousa Sadr passed away seven years ago in a prison in Tripoli.


Ahmadinejad in Meeting with a Group of Majlis Representatives: We have to put our hands together to remove executive obstacles and build the country.
Iran’s Defense Minister: The Persian Gulf Missile Shield Plan is an American-Israeli Move
The minister said, “The Persian Gulf Missile Shield is a joint American-Israeli move and we have advised our friends not to join it.” His remarks were made after Hillary Clinton met with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and where she discussed this plan.




Minister of Economy Criticizes Cooperation of International Monetary Organizations in Sanctioning Iran
International Conference on De-mining Held in Tehran