Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

04 April 2012 | 04:53 Code : 1899615 Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review
Tehran’s newspapers on Tuesday 15th of Farvardin 1391; Apr. 3rd, 2012
Tehran Daily Newspaper Review

Headlines of Iran’s Morning Papers






“The run-off parliamentary elections will be held on May 4th, 2012 “






Ayatullah Hashemi Rafsanjani: “Why not negotiate with the US?”




“ The US is the world’s superpower. What is the difference between Europe, China, and Russia and the US for us? If we negotiate with them, why shouldn’t we negotiate with the US? “






“Once Again Depositing Subsidies with the Banks’ Money”








Iran’s Representative in the IAEA: “Iran is not after a nuclear bomb and will not suspend enrichment.”




“ We have no problem for the IAEA to visit Parchin, if the visit is not politically-motivated.“






Iran’s Defense Minister: “Iran’s military power is unrivaled in the Middle East. “




Jomhouriey Eslami




Ayatullah Hashemi Rafsanjni: “ Islam is the religion of dialogue, it is not dogmatic. “






Majlis Speaker: “ The most important issue for the Ninth Majlis will be increasing the national production ability. “




Tehrane Emrooz




“Minister of Labor, the first one to be impeached in 1391”






“Challenges of the second phase of subsidies”








Foreign Minister: “We should act wisely with Western countries”






President’s order for development of the capacity of renewable energy sources




Jame Jam




 Foreign Minister: “The West’s retreat against Iran is tactical”






“ Increase of Iran’s trade with 160 countries”




The non-oil exports of the country during the last year, with a 28% increase,

has reached 43 billion dollars.