Tehran's Friday Prayers
The white collars, the military and the clerics gathered in Tehran University to perform their weekly obligation.

Tehran's Friday prayers were led by Ayatollah Seddiqi on December 9, 2011 in Tehran University. In his first of two sermons, the ayatollah called the downing of the US' RQ-170 stealth drone a Divine reward for Iranians' Muharram mournings. He added that the fall has compensated for the death of Brig. General Hassan Tehrani-Moghaddam, killed in November in a blast in an ammo depot near Tehran.

Ayatollah Seddiqi performing his sermon while two men hold his Klashnikov. Once a sword, the weapon hold by the Friday Prayers' leader symbolizes the Believers' eagerness to sacrifice their lives in jihad.

Tehran Chief Prosecutor Abbas Ja'fari Dowlatabadi (khaki suit) who lost his left hand in the 1980s' war with Iraq, sitting next to Ahmadinejad's ministers of housing and culture.

Prayers follow Ayatollah Seddiqi.

Head of General Inspection Organization Mostafa Pourmohammadi, Ayatollah Khatami and Guardian Council Chairman Ayatollah Jannati