Tehran's Daily Newspaper Review

Libya occupied the front page of jubilant Iranian newspapers. Vatan-e Emrooz’ headline specially attracted attention: “The End of the Green Lunatic” perhaps served the dual intention of informing the readers about the fall of Libyan tyrant, while taunting the Iranian Green Movement.
Iran expressed worries about foreign intervention which, according to the newspaper, threatens the victory of Libyans, hence the headline “the unclear fate of Libya after the fall of dictator”. Members of the cabinet interviewed Iran to assure that the government has circumscribed the sanctions. Ali-Akbar Javanfekr wrote “Victory under the Shadow of Threats” as Iran's editorial, called for vigilance against the conspiracies of Israel and Imperialism while advancing the ideal of a new Middle East.
“The Libyan dictator also falls, after six months of popular uprising” Jomhouri-ye Eslami reported. Trial of the reportedly Mossad agent who assassinated Iranian scientist Masoud Ali-Mohammadi also attracted the newspaper’s attention. Jomhouri-e Eslami also reported of the unveiling of several key defense projects. This newspaper also voiced concerns about the future of Libya as foreign intervention is a strong option. “The strangest point is that the country is handed to Imperialists by the same man who liberated it from their claws” Jomhouri-ye Eslami had in its editorial.
The Islamic trait of Libya’s revolution was apparently the most important factor for Kayhan, as its top headline read: “Another victory for the Muslim World: Libyans celebrate Qaddafi’s fall with chants of allahu akbar” [God is the greatest]. The outbreak of riots in Hamburg was Kayhan’s second headline, where the newspaper became the voice of German youth to declare “every city is a London.” The newspaper’s editorial, “Statement of a failed state”, argued that Washington’s efforts to pressurize Iran over its nuclear program, human rights record and support for terrorism have failed. The US president’s Smart Power strategy has failed to produce the desired results and like its predecessor, Obama's administration thinks it can change the tide in its own favor with baseless reports about Iran, the author added.
Resalat covered half of the front page’s upper fold with pictures of Libyans celebrating “An end to the 42-year rule of the Libyan dictator”. The newspaper also quoted Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying that the International Quds Day of this year will be the starting point for the Zionist Regime’s decline. Resalat’s editorial criticized NATO for devastating Libya’s infrastructures. It also demanded searching for Imam Musa Sadr, Iran-born legendary leader of the Lebanese Shi’a who was abducted by Qaddafi –an allegation the Libyan dictator always denied- during a trip to Libya in 1978.
Tehran-e Emrooz chose the headline “Qaddafi’s tent collapsed” to report the liberation of Tripoli by the opposition. “The fall of reactionism symbols”, Tehran-e Emrooz’ editorial pointed towards the threats following the fall of Qaddafi, as the circumstances in Libya are different from those in a country like Egypt where the institutions have remained intact even with a revolution. The editorial also argued that as the Arab dictators fall one by one, Israel can no longer portray itself as the single bastion of democracy among dictatorships and its legitimacy will be undermined more than ever.
“The last nail in Qaddafi’s dictatorship coffin” Vatan-e Emrooz published, celebrating the end of the “Green Lunatic”. In Qom, one marja’, namely Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani, criticized the newspapers which cover the protests in Syria, maintaining that what is happening there is different from other Arab countries. The “riot” in Syria is against the interests of Islam the ayatollah added.
* Note: Vatan-e Emrooz does not publish on Thursdays.
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Hamshahri (Citizen) is the official daily newspaper of Tehran's Municipality. Its general directions in politics, culture and economy are determined by the mayor of Tehran, currently Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Iran is the official organ of the administration.
Jomhouri-ye Eslami (The Islamic Republic) was known as the official organ of the Party of the Islamic Republic, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1987. Currently, it is an open critique of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's policies and is known to be a mouthpiece of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Kayhan (Universe) is a hard-line conservative newspaper. Its editor-in-chief –currently Hossein Shari’atmadari- is appointed by Iran's Supreme Leader. Shari’atmadari’s editorials often spark off controversy and debate inside Iranian political circles.
Khabar (News) is a principlist daily newspaper which adopts a critical stance towards Ahmadinejad's policies.
Resalat (Mission) belongs to the moderate wing of the principlist camp. Resalat’s best known analyst is Amir Mohebbian, its political editor.
Shargh (East) is a moderate reformist newspaper. It was the most popular and influential reformist newspaper in its first period of publication which lasted from August 2003 until September 2006.
Tehran-e Emrooz (Tehran Today) is a ‘principlist reformist’ newspaper, connected to Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.