Tehran's Daily Newspaper Review

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in the Second Meeting of “Strategic Thoughts”: Justice the epigraph of the Islamic Nezam’s concerns
Central Bank Reports: World Bank apologizes to Iran [for reporting incorrect growth rate]
Jomhouri-ye Eslami
Supreme Leader of the Revolution in the Second Meeting of “Strategic Thoughts”: The state of justice by no means satisfying
Zabol and Bandar-e Abbas [Cities’] MPs Comment on Non-Existence of “Hungry Citizens” in the Country: President’s remarks on abolition of poverty [in his Sunday night TV interview] an illusion
Mubarak Pleads for Mercy from Egypt
Leader of the Revolution in Second Meeting of “Strategic Thoughts”: Current state of justice unsatisfactory; Nezam’s expectations maximal
First Solidarity Flotilla Dispatched to Bahrain
One Billion Liters of Gasoline, Awaiting Export
His Excellency Ayatollah Khamenei in Second Meeting of “Strategic Thoughts in the Islamic Republic”: Justice’s current state unsatisfactory
[Habibollah] Asgarowladi in an Interview with Young Journalists’ Club: Those afflicted by economic and religious corruption (1) should not be put to people’s vote
[Resalat Editor-in-Chief, Seyyed Morteza Nabavi]: “Astray Group’s” claim of sending 150 candidates to Majles
Tehran-e Emrooz
Supreme Leader of the Revolution: Current state of justice by no means satisfactory
Contradictory News on Founding the “Iranians’ University”: University Franchise for the “Astray Current”
Vatan-e Emrooz
Famed Egyptian Author and Journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal: Egypt needs relations with Iran
Second Meeting of “Strategic Thoughts in the Islamic Republic” Held in Presence of the Leader of the Revolution: Meeting for Justice
Morality Scandal at Sofitel Hotel Grows Complicated: Mr. Money [Dominique Strauss Kahn] on trial
* Note: Vatan-e Emrooz does not publish on Thursdays.
Trouble with understanding some terms? Check our Glossary of Iranian Political Terms.
(1) Allusion to Mashaei’s coterie which has been facing allegations of economic corruption in the recent days.
Hamshahri (Citizen) is the official daily newspaper of Tehran's Municipality. Its general directions in politics, culture and economy are determined by the mayor of Tehran, currently Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Iran is the official organ of the administration.
Jomhouri-ye Eslami (The Islamic Republic) was known as the official organ of the Party of the Islamic Republic, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1987. Currently, it is an open critique of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's policies and is known to be a mouthpiece of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Kayhan (Universe) is a hard-line conservative newspaper. Its editor-in-chief –currently Hossein Shari’atmadari- is appointed by Iran's Supreme Leader. Shari’atmadari’s editorials often spark off controversy and debate inside Iranian political circles.
Resalat (Mission) belongs to the moderate wing of the principlist camp. Resalat’s best known analyst is Amir Mohebbian, its political editor.
Shargh (East) is a moderate reformist newspaper. It was the most popular and influential reformist newspaper in its first period of publication which lasted from August 2003 until September 2006.
Tehran-e Emrooz (Tehran Today) is a ‘principlist reformist’ newspaper, connected to Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
Vatan-e Emrooz (Motherland Today) -which started its publication in November 2008-, belongs to Mehrdad Bazrpash, the thirty-old pro-Ahmadinejad politician who is also head of Iran's second largest auto manufacturer company, Saipa. Vatan-e Emrooz is a supporter of the president’s policies.