Tehran’s Daily Newspaper Review

Khizra Square Speech: Qaddafi Threatens Again
Internal Affairs Ministry: Underground Subsidy to Be Provided Next Year
Financial Times: Iran, the Real Winner in ME
Day of Rage Witnesses Iraqis Protest
Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council: Iran, Incontrovertible Regional Power
Iranian Warships Dock in Syria
OPCW Lauds Iran
Jomhouri-ye Eslami
Occurred by Extensive Demonstrations in Libya: Three Fourths of Country in Hand of Protestors
Drugs Subsidy Not to Be Cut
Central Bank: Bank Interest Rate Not to Increase Next Year
Malik Abdullah’s Promises to Inhibit Revolution, People: No Cheating
Green Photoshop Balloon Burst
Ayatollah Emami Kashani: Enemies’ 25-Bahman Plot Reveals Everything
Review of Govt.’s Supposed Bill: Decrease in Culture and Physical Education, Increase in Health and Welfare
Early Conflict in Cinema Release
Salehi Explains: German FM’s Brief Visit
Final Statement of 17th Summit of Trainers’ Society and Scholars
Intelligence and National Security Minister: Mousavi’s Statements Written by Amir Arjomand, a PMOI Mediator
Kowsari: Iranian Ship Not a Threat in Mediterranean
Tehran-e Emrooz
Protesters Closer to Tripoli
Finance Minister Rejects Increase in Wages
Iran’s Oil, Again at 100 USD
Donyaye Eghtesad
Private Sector Election: Trust in Known Figures
Housing Sector, First in Providing Occupation
Qaddafi’s Last Promises and Threats